Watch Series Nexo Knights Online Free
Watch Nexo Knights Online Free at Couchtuner. Set in the futuristic, high-tech world of the Kingdom of Knighton, LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS is a half-hour animated series that follows five young knights in their quest to battle Jestro, his sidekick, the Book of Monsters, and their Lava Monster Army. Heroic knight Clay Moorington leads the band of knights, including alpha superstar Lance Richmond; hipster Aaron Fox; Macy Halbert, a princess who would rather be a knight; and Axl, the giant. Together, under the tutelage of Merlok 2.0, the Knights’ Academy mentor and Great Digital Wizard, they join forces to defeat the enemy. Immediately following an all-day marathon (6am-7pm) of encore presentations of animated LEGO episodes and specials on Sunday, December 13, 2015 from 7-8pm ET/PT, Cartoon Network premiered back-to-back episodes of LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS as a sneak peek of the series, which is scheduled to officially premiere in January 2016.