The series adaptation of Jim Carrey’s iconic movie “A Series of Unfortunate Events” is no less than a treat to watch and NPH’s(Neil Patric Harrison) name in the star cast is like icing on the cake. the show is absolutely amazing and the script is work of art. The visuals are amazing and the child actors do complete justice to their roles.
- “Better Call Saul”The spinoff takes us back to the highest rated tv show in the history “Breaking Bad”. It is just a treat to watch and also keeps us nostalgic. The great acting by Bob is the reason it is included in the list.
- “Suits“With the last season ending on such a great note, it would have been a crime if we did not include in our list. The amazing chemistry between Mike ROSS & RACHEL Zayne is and always will be a delight to watch. Gabriel Matchet directs most of the episode and also plays Harvey Specter the actual reason you come back to watch the show.
- “How to Get Away With Murder“With the last season ending with such a huge cliffhanger, that who died and who killed it was necessary to be included in the list. With Annalies in jail and Laurel in hospital carrying Wess’s baby it will have a huge comeback.