Back from Cuba after a dangerous encounter, Nucky pays a visit to the now-retired Johnny Torrio, who agrees to broker a meeting with the new “Boss of Bosses,” Salvatore Maranzano. In Chicago, Eli and Van Alden are tasked by Mike D’Angelo, Al Capone’s new right-hand man, to recoup money lost during a federal raid by Eliot Ness. Fresh out of law school, Willie Thompson has a job interview. Rebuffed by a group of would-be financiers, Nucky dines with Tonino Sandrelli before sending a message to Lansky and Luciano. In 1884, a young Nucky deals with the death of his sister, Susan, while his father has a standoff with the Commodore.
Watch It Here : Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 2 The Good Listener